The Top 7 Applications of Computer Vision in Aviation
Use Cases

The Top 7 Applications of Computer Vision in Aviation

In this article, we will go through the top 7 applications of computer vision in aviation and see how computer vision can revolutionize the aviation industry.
Halime Yilmaz
5 minutes

The Top 7 Applications of Computer Vision in Aviation

Computer vision allows machines to "see" and understand image data. The aviation industry has quickly adopted computer vision technology to improve safety and efficiency. Applications are very varied, including recognizing and finding planes; airport security and management; identifying planes, letting drones fly, and even guiding missiles.

This article discusses a few of the best ways that computer vision is used in aviation.

We would like to introduce you to Cameralyze, an innovative end-to-end computer vision platform for building, deploying, and scaling real-world applications. You can build computer vision applications with our no-code software infrastructure.

Computer Vision in Aviation

Let's see how computer vision can revolutionize the aviation industry.

Baggage Check Process With Computer Vision

Computer vision is increasingly being used to control bags at airports. Optical Character Recognition systems can automatically read labels to find out where trolleys are and what they are. This makes it easier to keep track of luggage and less likely to get lost. It cuts down on mistakes even more and makes it easier to find lost luggage. Computer vision systems use cameras to read the tags on baggage and match them with the data in the airline's database. This makes it easy for people working at the airport to figure out which bag belongs to which passenger. To implement this, you can sign up to the Cameralyze platform, create your own text recognition application and try it for free now.

Another visual deep learning app helps airports find and identify ground vehicles, baggage tugs, and carts, as well as detect where they are. This is important to make managing and giving out baggage carts more efficient. Identifying and finding vehicles also helps to prevent ground vehicle collisions, which often happen at airports and can lead to accidents.

You can now create your own barcode-reading applications using the software.

Cameralyze is an example of this kind of AI-based software. Cameralyze's accuracy (at 98.64%) and speed (4x quicker than other services) are two of the most fundamental aspects that set it apart from the competition. Try Text Recognition Application from here.

Cameralyze's barcode-detecting technology allows users to scan numerous codes, pictures, videos, or live streams up to 4 times quicker than dedicated equipment in low-light conditions with broken tags.

airport safety

Airport Safety And Security

Computer vision can also be employed in security applications. By putting cameras in strategic places, airports can track people and objects' movements. Information and reports that are updated in real-time help to find possible security threats and improve operational security.

Surveillance can be used to find people who climb over fences, watch perimeters to find people who break in, make large-scale heat maps, analyze movement paths, and watch lines. Facial emotion recognition and gaze estimation are used in more advanced applications to figure out how people are feeling and how focused they are. It is possible to build the Face Recognition application in minutes and run it immediately. How Does? Register on the Cameralyze platform, create your own app and try it for free.

Here are some important uses of computer vision

  • Tracking the movement of people and objects with computer vision.
  • Detection of abandoned objects 
  • Surveillance for possible security risks 
  • Use real-time crowd analysis and crowd monitoring
  • Reduce the number of false positives and negatives in security checks.
  • Fire and smoke alarms detect danger automatically.
Cameralyze Human Detection Application

Cameralyze's human detection solution can be used for safety processes. Human detection solutions from Cameralyze work in real-time. This means that you can use algorithms to find people in live video and that your data is always being processed. See how human detection technology works.

Facial Recognition Technology At Airports

Passengers at airports are identified using face recognition software developed using computer vision technology. Such technology uses artificial intelligence to match the passenger's face against a library of photos. Using standard IP cameras, the system can identify and recognize human faces. The use of face analysis technology helps accelerate the boarding process and ensures that only authorized individuals are allowed on board. 

Cameralyze Face Recognition technology is a new way to control security that doesn't require any codes. Cameralyze helps large environments improve the safety and overall efficiency of their access control systems by integrating third-party systems and adding other functions that add value.

Cameralyze face recognition app offers roughly 1 billion matches per second on a single blade, and this is achieved while maintaining a high level of accuracy. So, airports can reduce the cost of security personnel while simultaneously increasing their productivity by 95%.

See how this technology works.

Airport Inspection

Increasingly, computer vision is employed in the inspection of runways. Airport employees can use cameras and sensors to identify any runway surface issues. This is a very important task because even small cracks or holes in a runway can cause big problems. Including systems employ several sensors, such as infrared and thermal imaging, to precisely map the runway surface. This data can be used to discover any problems or damage that may need repair. 

Runway inspection using computer vision is also used to detect trash and foreign objects or vehicles, identify and rectify pavement defects, and manage airport safety.

Automatic runway inspection also ensures compliance with Federal Aviation Administration requirements at the airport. Other large-scale runway inspection apps use many cameras with deep learning detection to identify illegal individuals or aircraft on the landing strip.

Cargo Inspection

Computer Vision in Cargo Inspection

Advanced computer vision algorithms assist airport security officers in inspecting cargo for possible dangers, such as bombs, guns, and drugs. Aided by AI, an inspection of freight expedites getting cargo past security and onto the airline. By applying pattern recognition to picture data from scanners and cameras, a deep learning model may be utilized, for instance, to identify bombs or drugs in a cargo.

The neural network is trained on annotated photos of known explosive materials to learn these patterns. Once the algorithm has been trained, it may be used to scan new picture data and identify similar patterns. If the algorithm detects a match, it can prompt a human check with an alert.

Computer Vision In Missile Guidance

Computer vision plays an increasingly vital part in guiding missiles and other aerial weapon systems in defense and military applications. By detecting the location and motion of objects, computer vision can help ensure that missiles strike their targets with precise precision. This technology is also being used to create autonomous weapon systems that can operate with little or no human intervention.

Although there are specific issues about the safety and morality of such systems, there is little doubt that computer vision is a very effective and cost-efficient military technology. In autonomous missile technology, the flight route dynamics are decided by the missile's onboard guidance system.

Combined with other intelligent sensors, image processing is used to identify any target, while conventional detection is confined to heat, fire, and other signals. Thus, computer vision-based guiding systems can distinguish between objects and continually update the most recent flight path error correction.

Cameralyze has some of the best apps for image processing, such as face recognition, object detection, and human detection. They are all on a platform that does not require you to know how to code.

With the help of Cameralyze's application programming interface (API) and a ready 3rd interaction model for image processing, you can use thousands of already-built apps, create apps with a single click, and connect anything to your current systems!

Inspection And Maintenance Of Aircraft

Computer vision is also used in the aviation industry to inspect and fix planes. Technicians use images of the plane and machine learning to find problems and see patterns of damage that might not be obvious to the naked eye. 

Computer vision inspection helps to make things safer and avoid accidents or downtime that could happen. 

Computer vision can also automatically check aircraft parts' condition, saving time and labor compared to manual inspection. It also helps make the assessment more objective and consistent.

Here are some examples of AI vision inspection:

  • Checking to see if the plane's body has any problems or damage
  • Checking for fluid leaks or other damage to the engine
  • Checking the wings and fuselage for cracks or further damage.
  • Inspecting whether the landing gear is worn or broken
  • Checking for damage or wear on the brakes and tires

Computer Vision Solutions for Aviation with Cameralyze

Cameralyze is a platform for making computer vision apps without knowing how to code. Computer vision solutions that are enterprise-level, secure, and scalable are much easier and faster for aviation giants to roll out. 

Cameralyze's AI-based solutions provide state-of-the-art technological options and a one-of-a-kind interface for finding and identifying faces, objects, or humans in any media, whether an image, a video or a live stream. 

You can build an application customized just to your requirements in only three minutes. 

Computer Vision in Aviation

Bottom Line

The aviation industry is making significant use of computer vision for various applications. These use cases are simply the tip of the iceberg; we will likely see much more creative computer vision applications in the future.

The efficiency and cost of computer vision have been vastly improved because of recent advancements in emerging technologies like Edge AI, AIoT, and deep learning, allowing for the creation of even better and more powerful computer vision solutions.

Are you interested in taking the initiative to go on an adventure with Cameralyze?

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Here's more reading on relevant subjects and see computer vision applications in different industries:

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