What Is Edge Computing and Where To Use?

What Is Edge Computing and Where To Use?

In this article, we will see what Edge Computing is. You will be introduced to the Internet of Things, big data and the future of data storage.
Rabia Gül
2 minutes

What Is Edge Computing and Where To Use?

With the increasing importance of data in recent years, the importance of data processing and analysis has risen dramatically. However, the ability to store data and then process and analyze it quickly and securely has become an extremely important research topic. Edge Computing is an architecture that offers very important solutions for data storage and processing.

In this article, we will discuss in detail what edge computing is, its advantages and disadvantages, and how you can benefit from edge computing.

What Is Edge Computing

The Internet of Things is one of the most important and promising pillars of today's internet technology. With the development of the Internet of Things, the amount of data generated by "things" in real time is increasing dramatically.

Whether it's smart robots working in a factory, smart vehicles or sensors, the data generated by things is more abundant today than ever before. To store and process this data, the systems we have been using so far, such as the cloud and the everyday internet, are insufficient.

There are some important underlying reasons for the inadequacy of storing and analyzing this data. First of all, the sheer volume of data generated by things means that it takes a long time to transfer data from one place to a data center or cloud storage system. Bandwidth slows down and response times increase. So large amounts of data that could be vital for business development are almost never used.

Just as an example, McKinsey & Company platform study explains that an oil company uses only 1% of the data it generates from 30,000 sensors.

So why is this object-generated data important? There are several reasons why this data is important:

  • First of all, this data provides very real insights into the business being conducted.
  • The data is in real time and it is clear how current conditions affect the work being carried out.
  • The data generated by machines is very objective and real.
  • Data is vital for business development and decision-making.

We have seen that the vast amounts of data generated by things are important but untapped. We also touched on the reasons for the data not being used. So how does edge computing benefit us at this point? 

The large amounts of data generated by edge computing are not transferred to the cloud or a data center. On the contrary, the data is stored and processed where the data is generated. It could be a warehouse or a smart factory system. In this way, data can be stored and analyzed without the need for long response times or bandwidth issues.

So what does it mean to process data where it is generated? The answer to this question is very important. When data is processed quickly and in real time where it is generated, real-time insights into business processes are obtained. In addition, very important data that can be useful for predictions for future corrections and business development is processed. This processed data is then sent back to the data center for human review.

How Does Edge Computing Work?

We've talked about how revolutionary Edge Computing is, and we know the importance of the data processed here. So how does edge computing work?

The data transfer systems we know and have known work like this: The source, for example the user computer, generates the data. The generated data is then transferred to a data center with the help of the WAN, i.e. the internet, and stored there. 

But the incredible growth in the number of devices connected to the internet and the sheer volume of data generated by these devices is now making it difficult. So if data can't go to the data center, the data center is coming to you.

Edge computing connects the LAN, the storage unit where the data is stored, to the place where your data is generated. In this way, data is stored and processed where it comes to life, saving time and money.

Why Is Edge Computing Important

New technological systems make great use of artificial intelligence. And AI uses machine learning algorithms and deep learning. That's why, as we said earlier, the amount of data generated is huge. Edge computing and edge AI help to store data where it's generated, and that's how:

  • Faster insights can be gathered
  • Data security is significantly increased
  • Effective control of operations and processes
  • Control and maintenance times decrease and your speed in these processes increases
  • Fewer problems in the field
  • Increasing customer satisfaction
  • Enables you to check more products faster
  • All this improves the performance of applications and software.

In the long run, the gained speed and increased data quality contribute to the growth of your business. It increases efficiency and enables you to make more accurate decisions about business processes.

What Are Disadvantages of Edge Computing for AI Vision

We have talked about the benefits of edge computing. We know that the structure saves a lot of time and speed in data storage. Of course, like everything else, edge computing has some disadvantages. Especially in terms of computer vision and AI vision, it can create some disadvantages. 

First of all, adding edge points to devices and systems can create a very complex architecture. This can make device management and maintenance difficult. Unlike cloud technology, the edge is not a system, but a structure, an architecture, and consists of complex networks.
Too many network connections can seem complex and infrastructure may need regular maintenance. Fortunately, maintenance is very low-cost and easy when done regularly.

Cameralyze Edge

We mentioned that edge can be quite complex, but there are systems in place to help you figure it out if you want to use edge.

For example, with Cameralyze Edge, you can create your own edge app in AI Studio with one click. You then connect it to your security cameras. Your visual data is stored for you. You don't need any technical knowledge or additional storage space. Just turn on your edge device, log in to Cameralyze and click to store your data securely.

Cameralyze's AI Studio is a completely code-free platform. Here you can start your AI journey in a very simple way, without the need for additional devices or software, and find the solutions you need for your business.

In addition, with Cameralyze Edge, your data is secured and your privacy is protected. You store and process large amounts of visual data without the need for additional devices or software.

To learn how to access code-free AI solutions and how to start this journey, you can read this article Cameralyze has prepared for you.

The Bottom Line

Data generated by things can be extremely difficult to store because of the large amounts of data. This is why edge computing gives you a huge advantage, allowing data to be stored where it is generated. Your business development and decision-making processes accelerate and your efficiency increases.

Yet edge computing architecture can be extremely complex. The need for technical knowledge can be a challenge.  This is where Cameralyze comes in, providing storage and security of all your data with a single click, without code!

You can start your free trial period by clicking here to benefit from Cameralyze products and solutions.

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